YOU KNOW HIS NAME - Jason Bourne aka Matt Damon
Sometimes you end up at the right place at the right time. This doesn't happen all that often for me. I am mostly somewhere else and missing cool things. Yesterday was different though. I left my office and decided to grab a pizza instead of hopping on a packed subway train and having to stand all the way home. Just as I left the building and was walking over to the Pizza place next door I heard someone call my name. I stopped and turned around and it was one of my film festival friends who had just picked up tickets that she won for the new Bourne film. She said she had an extra one if I wanted to go. Heck Ya! I was just going to go home and do laundry. It was early so I still grabbed my pizza and headed over to meet her at the Scotiabank theatre.
The best part is that I didn't have time to think about it and see any trailers or anything. But I am totally familiar with this franchise and have probably seen all the Bourne films so I knew what to expect. I have to say that Matt Damon is one of my favourite people to attend TIFF, he is very chill but when he has a movie in the festival it's pandemonium. He really is that side of the Bourne character that can fly under the radar when he wants to.
But anyway, back to the actual film. It's pretty much all action all the time. I realized that Damon as Bourne is pretty much in motion for about 90% percent of the time, either walking, running, riding a motorcycle or driving. The stunts are unbelievable and seem to get more over the top and how did they do that with each film. Then there are the bad guys who are supposed to be the good guys. It's hard not to hate Tommy Lee Jones' character and he gets what he deserves in this film.
It's nice to see Alicia Vikander in this one as a smart head of Intelligence who you aren't quite sure what her agenda is. She plays it very smart and has great equality with Damon.
Bourne is a secret agent magician who is always one step ahead of the game and always tries to figure out the bad guys move and out manouever them. He is there and then he is gone. Seemlessly travelling through countries and through obstacles. I want to be as smooth as him in my real life.
It's impressive that at 45, Damon is still able to do all of these action scenes and get buff for each one. I don't know how long he will be able to do these films but I hope he stays on maybe in some other capacity because he is a really great actor and this role was tailor made for him.
I truly enjoyed this one and left feeling like I got lucky to be in the right place at the right time to get this preview ticket.
Go see it and make sure you don't drink too much or you will miss lot's of action.