Monday, 1 May 2023

Tax me if you can. at Hot Docs



Written  and directed by Yannick Kergoat 

Country: France  -   Running time:1h 54 min

Hot Docs Screening May 6th at Scotiabank

This is the kind of film that leaves you angry after watching it because you realize how everyone is getting scammed unless you are one of the 1%  that can play hide and seek with multiple banks around the world to avoid paying any taxes.  The very people who can afford to pay the taxes are the ones that pay nothing.  Think about Donald Trump boasting on how smart he is because he doesn't pay taxes.  But you have to.  Good luck trying to get out of it with shell companies and off shore banks and tax credits and all kinds of loop holes that they pay big lawyers and accountants to figure out instead of using that money to pay taxes.   Makes no sense does it.   They are hoarding their money as if they are down to their last dollar.   While the rest of the world struggles paycheck to paycheck.   It's infuriating.  There would be no homeless or hungry people in the world if the money was shared with those in difficult circumstances instead of billionaires buying more yachts.   Yachts are nice but how much money do you really need to live in your lifetime.

There were a couple of things that made this film both entertaining and annoying.  The animation they used to explain different parts of the transactions.  But the animation of arrows bouncing around pointing to the interview subjects heads was very distracting.

It was filmed in multiple languages so that's sometimes hard to keep up with but mostly you get what the point is.

It's a real look at the world of Tax havens, loop holes and pay offs and the constant moving of money from here to there.

If you don't already know a bit about banking this will teach you about the "double dutch" and the "Dutch sandwich".

These regulations and loop holes need to be fixed or the divide between rich and poor will widen and take out the middle class.

Sad state of affairs with these what I would call swindlers.  But you judge for yourself.

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