Saturday, 4 May 2024

The Outpost- one man's dream of saving the Amazon with a Rock concert


The OUTPOST at the  (Hot Docs Film Festival)

A documentary by Edoardo Morabito Italy, Brazil | 84min | Color | 5.1 & Stereo | 1.78:1 | Italian, English, Portuguese 

Screening at the film festival

Christopher Clark a Scottish man living in the Amazon wants to save the world by raising money to save the Rainforest in Brazil.

A chain smoker with a big dream to get Pink Floyd or at least David Gilmour to put on a massive concert in the rainforest to raise the money to build back paradise in the Amazon.  

His journey attracts the filmmaker to follow his dream in hopes of success in his endeavors.

Chris, with his Scottish, working-class values,  tries to move the earth in the Amazon, but corruption and apathy become his roadblocks.

He journeys to London to try and connect with past contacts who can reach out to other celebrities and well-connected contacts to see if he can get money to move forward.  Lots of talk but nothing pans out from that attempt.

He returns to the Amazon and then tries to develop an outpost but the government has other plans.

He holds on to his dream and tries everything he can to make it happen and things don't go as planned.

He watches the forest burn in the fires and things fall apart.  

Chris believes he will die in the forest but once again his plan changed as he developed cancer and moved back to Scotland to live with his sister.  Unfortunately, he died in a hospital in Edinborough so he was never able to see his dream come true but just before he died he found out they guaranteed a reserve of the Rainforest so at least some of it would be protected.

This is a story of a dream, persistence, blind faith, and idealism.  

This film is visually stunning with the contrast of the destruction of the Amazon and the beauty that still exists.  

It's a cautionary tale of Climate Change, greed, and the lack of caring to protect the ecology for the future.

It's a very sad look at where we are going as a people.

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