Monday, 20 May 2024

Michel Gondry-Do it yourself- (Hot docs)


  • Director: François Nemeta
  • Writer: Stéphane Davet, François Nemeta
  • Stars: Björk, Jack Black, Jim Carrey
  • Genre: Documentary
  • Time: 1hr and 20 min.
  • Release Date: 2023-09-04

I watched the documentary Michel Gondry-Do it Yourself during the Hot Docs Film Festival but finally getting to the review of it now because I am behind in my reviews.
It was a very artsy documentary.  I had heard of Michel Gondry but didn't know anything about him so I was very surprised to find out about how many artist and projects that I knew that were his projects or collaborations.

Michel Gondry is definitely an original artist who has his own vision that is outside of the convention of the film and video world.
Some of the artists he has worked with include:
  • Bjork
  • Beck
  • Kylie Minogue
  • Daft Punk
  • The Chemical Brothers
  • Jack Black
  • Jack White
What they have in common are artists that originate not copy and do things no one else would think of.

His film projects include Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.  Considered mind-bending at the time.

This documentary is more of an art house type of film but you find out so many things about a man that is more well known to indie artist than to the public.

I found it fascinating to see how he works and where the ideas come from.
His work is like broken mirrors and abstract art.  It's messy, wonky, mad, fragmented, and crazy.

The film is worth a look especially if you grew up in the 80's because it will feel like a flashback.

I don't know where it will be shown yet but I am pretty sure this film will be one of those cult classic films that you will find at film festivals and streaming somewhere.

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